Singing Guide: Dickey Lee

Singing Guide: Dickey Lee

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Dickey Lee is an American country songwriter and singer. He is best known for his 1962 hit "Patches" and a string of prominent country hits in the 1970s, including "9,999,999 Tears." If you're looking to learn how to sing like Dickey Lee, there are several key elements to his technique that you should focus on.

One of the key elements of Dickey Lee's singing style is his use of a smooth, even vibrato. If you're looking to incorporate this into your own singing, check out this video on singing with vibrato. Additionally, Dickey Lee's vocal range is well within the tenor range, so you'll want to take a vocal range test to identify your own range and work within it.

Another aspect of Dickey Lee's style that stands out is his use of dynamic range. He often starts songs in a quiet, reserved tone and builds to a powerful crescendo, such as in "9,999,999 Tears." To learn how to control your dynamics and build intensity in your singing, check out Singing Carrots' pitch training exercises.

Finally, Dickey Lee's songs often feature emotionally charged lyrics, and he has a unique ability to convey those emotions through his singing. To learn how to interpret a song and bring out its emotional content, check out this article on singing with intuition, skills, emotion, and thinking.

By working on these key vocal elements and incorporating some of Dickey Lee's signature songwriting and performance techniques, you can develop your own unique singing style and capture some of his distinctive vocal qualities. For more tips and resources on how to improve your singing skills, check out Singing Carrots' collection of educational articles and singing courses.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.